Sunday Aug 10

Baseball game with friend
Julius just a poor way of
killing a beautiful day.


I’m not sure of a better way to spend a beautiful day than at a baseball game with your good friend Julius, but Papa had been to a lot of games lately. More importantly, this entry is in keeping with a recently-emerged theme in Papa’s diary in which he describes his disappointment with his life through expressions of boredom, monotony, and stasis. Another day at the ball park is another day without significant change.

I would also wager he had a particularly “poor” day because he saw the Giants lose a double-header to the Reds, 4-2 and 5-1, at the Polo Grounds. At least, I assume Papa saw the Giants game — the Yankees were out of town and the Robins, a.k.a. Dodgers, took a double header from the Cardinals, 6-5 and 8-4, and I figure Papa couldn’t have seen their performance at Ebbets Field and felt his day was a total loss.

Then again, those of us so inclined know that when you tap a vein of dissatisfaction, it’s often difficult to keep away from it no matter where you are (ask my wife about my recent behavior on the pristine, perfect beaches of Tulum — I brought the cliche of the unrelaxable New Yorker to a new, glorious standard) but Papa’s eventual victory over the demons of stasis and his creation of a a new, ever-changing life remains an example of a lode worth digging for.

1 thought on “Sunday Aug 10”

  1. O no. Angst in Tulum?
    And all of Papa’s future happy photos notwithstanding, I have been wondering these past few weeks whether Papa ever finally be overjoyed in the diary, or if it comes in next year’s diary. The year is more than half over! 🙂


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