Tuesday Sept 23

[no entry]


No entry from Papa today, but here are some articles from the September 23rd, 1924 edition of the New York Times that might have caught his eye:

Giants, Robins in Virtual Tie; Yanks Trail Senators 2 Games – 1924 has been called baseball’s greatest season — at least by the guy who wrote Baseball’s Greatest Season, 1924 — and the Times’ accounts of the race’s final days show why. With only a handful of games left to play, the Senators appeared to have unseated the world champion Yankees at last, while in the National League the Robins (a.k.a. Dodgers) New York Giants and Pittsburgh Pirates were all within a game and a half of each other. The Giants would eventually lose to the Senators in the “world’s series,” as the championship was called.

RADIO FAIR DRAWS OVERFLOW CROWDS; Opens With 225 Foreign and Domestic Manufacturers Represented. — As an early radio enthusiast, Papa would have liked any news about radio innovation, and this article about a Radio World’s Fair at Madison Square Garden and the 69th Regiment Armory (a precursor, I suppose, to the Consumer Electronics Show) confirms that radio is here to stay. “The sensational growth of radio which has raised the industry from a feeble experiment a few years ago to a $400,000,000 enterprise today was reflected in the 225 exhibits…The novelties were in the shape of refinements of existing types of radio equipement, indicating that the experimental stage had been left far behind.” This article also notes the novel presence of two Japanese radio manufacturers.

; R. Sadowsky, Inc., to Begin Specialization Program Today, Giving Year-Round Work. — Papa was out of work for several weeks during the summer due to the garment industry’s “slack season,” and the resulting idleness made him notably anxious. I wonder if the proposed changes to the industry this article discusses really put an end to such down time.

M’ADOO BACK, URGES US TO JOIN LEAGUE; Says Trip Abroad Strengthened His Belief That America Should Help to Prevent War. — Papa believed in the League of Nations, and hoped the United States would fully endorse it, but it wasn’t meant to be. “M’adoo” refers to William McAdoo, one of the key players in the 1924 Democratic Convention‘s embarrassing deadlock that all but guaranteed a Republican victory in the general election.

WILSON SHRINE PLANNED.; Cathedral Evidently Will Be His Permanent Resting Place. – Papa’s enthusiasm for the League of Nations went hand-in-hand with his respect for Woodrow Wilson’s legacy, so he would have been interested in any article about Wilson, who died earlier in the year.

THE SCREEN; A Dog Hero. — According to this article, Rin-Tin-Tin is an up-and-coming screen hero whose chief competition was a dog named “Strongheart” who starred in a series of silent adventures. We know how that story ended. I’m not sure if Papa would have been especially interested in dog movies, but he was a movie fan and probably read this article.

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