Friday Feb 29/Saturday Mar 1

[1924 was a leap year, so I’ve published February 29th and March 1 on this page]

Little Ruchaly still seriously
ill, which worries me greatly.

After listening for some
time to the radio. —
I went to Jack Zichlinsky’s
house where in company of
friend I spent until 1:15 a.m

Ruchaly feels slightly better

after visiting some Zionist
societies in the Evening with
friend Louis Bluestone, I spent
the rest of the evening at the
Cafe Royal where I met many
friends until 3:30 a.m.

I sent to parents $5.00


Matt’s Notes

Once, around twenty years ago, my mother, grandmother, sister and I were driving around Brooklyn when my grandmother looked at a building and suddenly blurted out “Jack Zichlinsky lived there!” I laughed for about three hours because she really exploded and I had no idea who she was talking about.

Obviously, though, Jack was a good friend of Papa’s since at least the 1920’s, so they had really been through the ringer together if their lives were at all similar. My mother tells me that, when Papa died in 1971, Jack cried while saying kaddish for him. Jack’s tombstone apparently displays the insignia of the Order Sons of Zion (B’nai Zion) the fraternal order to which he and Papa belonged.

Speaking of B’nai Zion, the March 1 post mentions Louis Bluestone, which surprises me because I thought the “Bluestone” Papa has talked about was Dr. Joseph Bluestone, one of the early B’nai Zion leaders (Papa often says “Bluestone” in the same breath as “Blaustein”, who was also a B’nai Zion leader). Perhaps Louis was Joseph’s brother or son; I’ll have to look into it.


Update March 1

My mother adds:

What was even more funny about the J.Z. story is that every time we passed Sheepshead Bay, Nana would point out his home. It became a dumb family joke.

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