Tuesday Mar 25

Had the 20. Century girl on the
phone. Arranged a date
with her for this coming Sat. at (torn)
opera for which occasion I have (torn)
secured the choicest best seats.

Attended the performance
and movie at the Capitol.
Again the usual divertisement
Ballet & Music which appeals
so much to me.

The terpsy chorus interpretation
to the music of Straus’ Waltz,
Artists dream, was more than


The movie Papa saw at the Capitol that night was The Unknown Purple, a sci-fi thriller notable for its use of purple-tinted frames and special effects (the film’s villain wields a purple invisibility ray while committing his dastardly deeds). The New York Times review was lukewarm, though the anonymous reviewer enjoyed the action scenes. Looks like Papa liked it even less, since he was more interested in the night’s ballet and music presentation than in the film (remember, the movie palaces of old supplemented their screenings with live, “highbrow” performances of all sorts to give their decidedly less priveledged audiences a taste of culture).

Note: Though I’m no one to question Papa’s knowledge of classical music, I think the musical piece he saw interpreted at the Capitol was Strauss’s “Artist’s Life,” not “Artist’s Dream.” Perhaps the slip happened because Papa’s own dream — a date with the “20th Century Girl” — was in the offing.


A couple of the words in this entry are partially missing due to a small tear in the side of the page, but it also has a couple of other words I can’t quite make out. It looks like he’s written “the terpsy chorus interpretation of Straus’ Waltz” in reference to the house orchestra at the Capitol Theatre, but that’s obviously not right. Give it a look below. Any ideas?

unknown word


My mother adds:

He may have meant Terpsichore, who was the muse of
dance. He probably heard the word, but didn’t get the spelling right.

That makes sense. The word he was trying to write was “terpsichorean.”

unknown word

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