Thursday Mar 27

Again meeting at the

1st payment of $10 on 1924 pledge
for K.H.


“The Maccabean,” as we now know, was the nickname of Papa’s chapter of the Order Sons of Zion (a.k.a. B’nai Zion) a fraternal and mutual aid society dedicated to the Zionist cause. B’nai Zion routinely collected money for the Zionist fundraising organization Keren Hayesod (the “K.H.” mentioned in today’s entry) so Papa undoubtedly made his pledge through them.

According to the U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Statistics, $10 in 1924 had the same buying power as $119.01 today. That’s a lot of money for a factory worker like Papa, even if he had gotten a $5 raise two months earlier. Looks like he talked the talk and walked the walk, in a Zionist fundraising sort of way.

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