Saturday Sept 6

Zionist meeting at 3rd dist

Sent to Mother $5.00


Matt’s Notes

The “3rd dist” is likely the the same Third District, or local chapter, of the Zionist Organization of America that threw a dance at the Parkway Restaurant back on February 21st.

This leads me to wonder once again what’s become of the Z.O.A’s troubled First District. Papa worked hard earlier in the year to resuscitate it, but he hasn’t mentioned it since he gave a membership pitch to a Zionist youth organization on February 10th. He did go to a meeting of the “three downtown districts” a little over a week ago, and he characterized the discussion as “stormy.” Had the Z.O.A. debated at that meeting whether to fold its other downtown districts into the Third?

Meanwhile, this is the first time in a while Papa has mentioned sending money to his mother. This could be because he just hasn’t written about it, but it might be because he’s been in debt for a while (he recently paid back $25 his cousin loaned him) and has only just found some spare cash to send home.

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