Friday Sept 19

A pleasant evening
at Jack Z’s house


“Jack Z.” is, as my legions of readers know, none other than Jack Zichlinsky, Papa’s lifelong friend whose name was legendary in my family. I’m not sure where Papa visited him on this day; the 1924 and 1925 New York City Directories list a Jacob Zichlinsky at 24 Hart Street in Brooklyn’s Bed-Stuy neighborhood, but I don’t think that’s our man. (Jacob was a leather worker and likely owned his home, as indicated by the lower-case “h” in front of his address in the Directory. Papa’s address, 94 Attorney Street, in the same book is preceded by a lower case “r” to signify that he merely resided there. Anyway, I’ll add Jacob’s address to our map of Where Papa’s Been just in case.)



Since writing this post I’ve deduced that Jacob Zichlisky was, in fact, Jack Zichliskly. The October 10th post has the thrilling blow-by-blow account of my investigation.

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